🍪 "Discover the Mouth-Watering Flavors of Soupe Bouillabaisse, Sopa Bullabesa, and the Authentic Sopa de Pescado de Marsella"

Soupe bouillabaisse, also known as Sopa bullabesa or Sopa de pescado de Marsella, is a traditional fish soup that originates from the coastal region of Provence in France. This hearty soup is typically made with a variety of fish, shellfish, and aromatic vegetables, and is seasoned with fragrant herbs and spices such as saffron, garlic, and fennel. With its rich, bold flavors and rustic charm, Soupe bouillabaisse is a beloved classic of French cuisine that has been enjoyed for generations.

Soupe bouillabaisse. Sopa bullabesa. Sopa de pescado de Marsella

Todos los detalles de la receta en el enlace. https://cocinafrancia.com/2021/10/15/bouillabaisse-bullabesa/ Para usted a quien le gusta leer las recetas. Le entrego todos los secretos de esta famosa sopa. Recuerde! Pinche en la campanita🔔 para recibir notificaciones de mis próximos videos!

Ingredientes para 8 pax. Cantidades orientativas, en mi caso fue morralla de pequeño calibre. 4 arañas o pez escorpión o pez león 2 San Pedros 4 bejeles o alfóndigas o perlón 1 rape 2 cabrachos 2kg (yo 1kg de morralla) 3/4 kg de patatas (Amandine, Ratte, Grenaille) 1/2 de tomates AOVE, suficiente para cocinar y hacer la rouille (mayonesa) Azafrán en hebras (yo 2 cajitas de la Rosa de 0,7gr) 2 cebollas, varios dientes de ajo al gusto sal, pimienta, hinojo fresco y en grano, perejil, laurel yo he añadido tomate concentrado que no figura en la receta ortodoxa2 copas de pastis (licor a base de esencia de anís) Agua de mar si eres afortunado, si no agua mineral o del grifo

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#cocinafrancia #bullabesa #bouillabaisse #sopadepescado #marsella #marseille
In conclusion, soupe bouillabaisse, or sopa bullabesa, is more than just a fish soup. It is a delicious and complex dish that tells the story of Marseille and its rich culinary history. With its blend of aromatic spices, fresh seafood, and hearty vegetables, it is sure to satisfy any palate. So why not try your hand at making this iconic dish today and experience a taste of Marseille for yourself?