✔️ Enchiladas de Pollo: An Irresistible Mexican Delight! (check out 'ck enchiladas' in Spanish)

Enchiladas de Pollo is a popular Mexican dish that consists of tortillas rolled around a filling of shredded chicken, cheese, and spices, smothered in a delicious sauce, and baked to perfection. This savory and spicy dish is a must-try for anyone who loves Mexican cuisine, and it’s easy to make at home.

Enchiladas de Pollo!!! ck enchiladas

Enchiladas de pollo estilo Michucan!! ingrdientes!!! 6 chilez guajillos previamente hidratados 4 chiles secos (japonez) 2 jitomates cosidos 1/4 de cebolla blanca un consome de pollo 2 ajos medianos 1/2 tsp de oregano 1/4 tsp de comino 6 pimientos negras chiquitas 2 tazas de caldo de pollo 3 cucharadas de arina para espesar el mole una cucharadita de capsun (opcional) tortillas y aceite de olivo lo necesario

para acompanar lechuga queso fresco oh 4 quesos para derretir un jitomate en ruedas cebolla roja (opcional)

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graciaaaaaaas :) !!! por todo su Apollo que dios los vendiga siempre!!!!
Enchiladas de Pollo are more than just a dish, they represent the fusion of Mexican culture and rich flavors. The combination of tender chicken, spicy salsa, and melted cheese creates a sensation that leaves your taste buds dancing. So next time you’re in the mood for an authentic Mexican meal, don’t hesitate to try Enchiladas de Pollo!