✔️ A mouthwatering twist on Minestrone: Minestrone a la Milanese/ Sopa Italiana de Verduras / Minestrone Soup in Spanish!

Minestrone a la Milanese, Sopa Italiana de Verduras, or simply Minestrone Soup is a classic Italian dish packed with hearty vegetables, savory broth and aromatic herbs. There are countless variations of this filling soup, but the Milanese version stands out with its satisfying combination of beans, pasta, and greens. This wholesome soup is where rustic meets refinement, and with its healthy ingredients and robust flavor, it’s perfect for any season.

Minestrone a la Milanese/ Sopa Italiana de Verduras / Minestrone Soup

Esta sustanciosa y nutritiva sopa Minestrone es genial para utilizar las verduras que tenemos en casa y aprovechar las que están a buen precio y en estación. Si deseas mantenerla vegetariana, simplemente omite la panceta y ve directamente a las verduras. Esta receta rinde para una gran sopa de 6 a 8 porciones.

INGREDIENTES: 100 gr de Panceta o Tocino (opcional) 2 dientes de ajo 1 cebolla grande 2 zanahorias 2 ramas de apio 1 puerro 1 zucchini o zapallito de tronco 1 trozo de zapallo o calabaza 3 papas pequeñas 250 gr de chauchas o judías verdes 1/2 repollo verde 2 o 3 hojas de acelga 200 gr de porotos alubias 100 gr de arroz 3 hojitas de salvia 1 ramita de romero un puñado de perejil fresco 1 1/2 L de agua sal y pimienta aceite de oliva queso parmesano rallado fino

Seguime también en Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elpastificiodenicola/ y Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.es/andrsnicola/pastificio-de-nicola/
In conclusion, Minestrone a la Milanese or Sopa Italiana de Verduras is a delicious and nutritious dish that is enjoyed by many around the world. With an abundance of fresh vegetables, hearty beans, and flavorful broth, this soup is the perfect comfort food for any season. So why not try making your own version of Minestrone today and indulge in the ultimate comfort food experience? Buon Appetito!